I got into circuit bending around 2001 as a way of creating unique instruments that offer a more experimental approach than stuff you can buy in shops. I like to design interfaces that are playable both intuitively and expressively in live situations while being versatile enough to offer a great range of sounds for studio use or as sample fodder.
While I usually build most of my gear for personal use, I also do commissions. If you're interested in buying something I've built, please drop me an email: derwarst[zoing]der-warst[plop]de
After having worked on keyboards, drum machines, synths, samplers, as well as a few toys, I have more recently specialised on FX devices. Instruments that are made to produce sounds on their own tend to have a distinct sound that can get quite tiring after a while. Multi effects, in my opinion offer a wider range of possibilities because they can process whatever you put through them. Also, once they are circuit bent, there's ways of making them produce sounds on their own that are a lot more organic than most other circuit bent gear.
I started working on video equipment as a part of my diploma in Media Art at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach, Germany, in 2007. This has added a whole new layer to my performances and sparked a general interest in video synthesis not using boring old computers.
Not all my hacks are audio or video related. Here's the fun projects, art stuff, and practical hacks that don't fit in the other two categories.
Don't panic
I usually update this website when I'm procrastinating, so please be prepared to run into a few half-finished pages sometimes even ending mid-sentence.
It's work in progress, but please write me an email if there's a particular page You'd like to see finished.
I Love the site/your work! Please, if you have a moment - I could really use the connection points on the ZOOM 505 for the loop bend! -All the best!
keep up the wonderful thingies! love