
Search Results

  • en Warstape

    Not really a 'hack' per se, still 'Warst' related and too nice to not have it out. And if this isn't 'otherware', I wouldn't know what is... In 2005, I...
  • en DSLite USB power

    This is a simple, but extremely useful mod for the Nintendo DSLite, which like the Game boy, I am mostly using as an instrument. There are quite a few music...
  • en SNES

    Super Nintendos were the first visual devices I bent. I built the first versions in 2007 for my minor degree at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach, Germany. Inspired by...
  • en Gameboy backlight

    Please take notice: I wrote this tutorial around 2004 which is quite a while ago. Although still completely valid, you might find quite a few better tutorials all over the...
  • en SNES carts

    The initial event that got me into considering Super Nintendos for visuals happened years earlier: someone stole my digital camera. I didn't have the money to buy a new one...
  • en Panasonic MX10 Lumamod

    Years ago, I came arcoss a pdf posted on the VJ forums which explains how to modify the Panasonic WJ-MX10 video mixer to enable it to do real luma keying....
  • en Phonescreen

    Nothing special, really. Just a screen that I built into the housing of a telephone. I'm having it here for the sake of having it here and because I like...
  • en Tne nPad

    The npad is an USB keyboard that you can type the letter 'n' with. It doubles up as a funky blinking ambient/annoyance light and it sports an USB 1.0 Hub,...